Rancho Santa Fe—A Neighborly Place to Live

Mark your calendars now to ensure that you don’t miss out on Rancho Santa Fe’s Neighbor Night! Sponsored by the Rancho Santa Fe Community Center, this year’s Neighbor Night will be hosted on October 2, 2010, from 5:30 – 8:00 pm. It’s a great time to make new friends and visit with longtime buddies.

So far, the streets you’ll be able to walk along with fellow neighbors include El Mirlo, La Gracia, Las Colinas, and Paseo Delicias, but more may be added. This great opportunity also allows you to visit inside neighboring homes and discover common interests and great decorating ideas. Be sure to bring your favorite hors-d'oeuvres or dessert and a beverage of your choice to your host neighbor’s house to share in the fun.

If you’d like to be a neighborhood host and have your street involved in this great Rancho Santa Fe community event, please email Erin Leahey at [email protected].


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