5 Takeaways of Living Through a Pandemic

Only a few short months into 2020, San Diego, our great Nation and the entire world is in a state of shock, while mourning the loss of the thousands of people who have lost their lives during this pandemic. As COVID-19 has infiltrated its way into our close-knit communities, ALL of our daily lives have shifted. Schools have been forced to close, restaurants have had no choice but to shut their doors, grocery store shelves are empty and the entire population is unsure about what the future holds. Simple pleasures such as taking our children out for a scoop of ice cream, or going to a workout class have been taken away, and health fears for our families and the uncertainty about what lies ahead have taken shape. However, in the midst of this crisis, a few amazing things have happened. There is a silver lining to all of this, if we squint hard enough through our fears, sadness and uncertainty to see it.


In the depths of this world-wide tragedy, our world has COME TOGETHER as one. No matter what city, state or country we live in, we are ALL in this together. Despite our race, age, gender, background, financial standing or sexual preference, we are ALL in this together. People from all walks of life have come together, with the same wish for all- HEALTH and SAFETY. People are giving and providing aid in any way they can. Grocery stores have created private hours for senior shoppers, famous singers have held free online living room acoustic concerts, exercise companies have made their online workout subscriptions free, toy companies have posted online story-times for children, schools have made available lunches for children in need, the list goes on. Our world has come to an ultimate understanding, that we are all people, and that to get through this trying time, we will need to do it TOGETHER.

2. We Will NEVER Again Take the Simple Pleasures in Life For Granted

As all of us are quarantined at home, we are beginning to miss our boring Wednesdays. We get so accustomed to our weekly routine, it begins to feel dull. Dropping our children at school, going to work, working out, cooking dinner and going to bed. But now, we are longing for the hustle and bustle of morning drop-off, office banter with our co-workers, sweating it out in a workout class after a long day at the office and grocery shopping in a store with stocked shelves. We are deeply missing human interaction; coffee dates with friends, weekend dinner plans, happy hour, a simple handshake, group laughter, togetherness. After this, we will NEVER again take for granted any of these things. The next time we are able to sit in a packed movie theater, wait for a table at a crowded restaurant, and hear the roar of a full stadium, we won’t take a second of it for granted. When this is over, Wednesdays will never be “boring” again.

3. Our Children See the STRENGTH of Their Parents

As confused, afraid and unsure as we feel right now, our kids feel it too. Young children are wondering why they are not attending school, able to see their friends and are forced to be at home. Older children are worried about the health of their parents and grandparents, with frightening headlines circulating throughout the media. But, what our children ALSO see is the strength and bravery of their parents; working from home, becoming their homeschool teachers, keeping them healthy and safe while staying calm and positive in a time of chaos. Our children will gain the strength that they see in their moms and dads, so parents keep up the good work!

4. We Have TIME to Dedicate to Self-reflection and Self-love

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, unfortunately it can be common to put ourselves last. With whatever it may be; a career, spouse, children or all of the above, LIFE can be demanding. During this time, as we are “sheltered in place,” in the confines of our homes, it is the perfect opportunity to take out some time for ourselves. We have the chance to reflect on our lives, who we are and who we want to be. We have the unique ability to truly get real with ourselves, and focus on what is important to us. We have time to dedicate towards self-love, which none of us do enough. So, take an hour for YOU; read a book, take a bubble bath, do yoga, try out a new recipe, meditate and reset. Now is the time.

5. KINDNESS Has Become a Staple in Our World Again, LOVE IS NOT CANCELLED

During this health crisis, we have seen first-hand the earth-shattering effects of COVID-19. Families have lost loved ones, most businesses have closed, grocery stores are empty, many have lost their jobs, children are unable to attend school and seemingly everything is cancelled. But, as communities have come together across the world, KINDNESS has become a staple in our world again. As we see people providing aid to others, in whatever capacity they can, it becomes apparent that even in these times of “social distancing,” we are all somehow CLOSER than ever. Friendships are not cancelled, families are not cancelled, life is not cancelled, human connection is not cancelled and most importantly LOVE IS NOT CANCELLED.


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